poniedziałek, 1 czerwca 2009

Cinema 4d Tutorials: Sketch and Toon Cigarette

Sketch and Toon module allow you to create cartoon like renders very easily and effectively. Let’s create a cigarette using this module.

Create a Cylinder, rotate it, set Height to 280 and Radius to 10.

Make object editable (shortcut C). Go to the top view (Cameras->Top)

and use Knife. Uncheck Visible Only, make a cut.

Use Live Selection Tool, uncheck Only Select Visible Elements. Select polygons.

Create new material. Select Noise on the Color Tab.

Click on the noise image to go inside Options.

Enter options like on the image. Set Color 1 (208, 141, 26) and Color 2 (249, 220, 91).

Drag the material onto the cigarette.

Now make it look like cartoon. To do so select Sketch Material

Let’s render this.

Let’s change some options. Create Light Object. Go to Render->Render Settings and change quantize from 6 to 3.

Render image.

And now it’s time to create the cigarette’s glow effect.
Create a new material and set the options.

The end effect should look like this.

You will get a much better effect when you render a preview. Just go to Render->Make Preview (shortcut Alt-B).

In your material you have set the movement options, so the effect is animated.

This is my site about tutorials for 3ds max.

Cinema 4d Tutorials: Dynamics

In this tutorial I will show you how to create a basic object interaction using very simple objects. First create four Objects - three Cubes and a Sphere.

Ramp: X:400, Y:30, Z:300
Floor: X:1000, Y:40, Z:500
Box: X:100, Y:200, Z:200
Ball: Radius: 50

Make all objects editable. Now go to Dynamics and create Solver Object and Gravity. Insert everything into Solver Object.

For Ball, Ramp, Box and Floor create Rigid Body Dynamic(Right click on the object’s name, Dynamics Tags->Rigid Body Dynamic). Now click play.

Notice that everything is falling down. This happens because inside every Rigid Body Dynamic Tag the Total Mass equals 1. Change the Total Mass to 0 for objects Floor and Ramp, so Gravity and Collision with objects won’t affect their position. For Ball change it to 10.
Make sure that you are on the first frame. Click play. This time Floor and Ramp stay on their positions, but other objects fly through them, because Collision isn’t set. Click on the Rigid Body Dynamic Tag and change the options.

There are a few problems. First animation ends too quickly, the Ball moves too slowly and the objects don’t touch each other.
To change the animation length click on the Solver Object, then on the Main tab change Stop to 300F. Also change it on the Timeline.

To make objects touch each other, again, go to Solver Object and Detail tab, change Collision Eps to 2. Go to Main tab and change Oversampling to 32. Click on the Gravity Object and change strength to 4. We have a Ball, so we want it to bounce. Go to the Rigid Body Dynamic Tag of every object except Box to change Elasticity to 100%, in the Box change it to 20%. Click play.

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Cinema 4d Tutorials: Grass

This tutorial shows how to make 3d grass in Cinema 4d 11, but can also be made in earlier versions of the application. I didn’t use here any additional plugins, only Fur Object.
First, we have to place our grass on an Object. We could use Plane and then Magnet Tool to simulate ground, but instead will use Landscape.

Now when you have created Landscape, Make object editable (shortcut C).

Create a new material to simulate ground. We don’t want our ground to reflect light, so turn off Specular. Go to color tab, it can be plain dark brown, but we will choose Noise.

Click on the button to go to the noise options

Change colors which are best for ground. I’ve used two dark brown colors.

Drag the material on the Landscape.
It’s time to apply Fur to our Landscape. Select Live Selection Tool, check Only Select Visible Elements and change Radius to 100. Make sure that Polygon Tool is selected.

Select all polygons.

Now choose Hair->Fur. Click on the Fur Material.

Go to the Basic tab in the Attributes Window and select the following options.







Click on the fur.

Change options.


Check this site about One Cup Coffee Makers. You can find there coffee makers from top brands.

wtorek, 14 kwietnia 2009

Cinema 4d Tutorials: Chair

In this Cinema 4d Tutorial I'll show you how to make a chair.

Select an akima spline and make a path. Create Second akima spline, as shown on the image. You can add some additional points selecting from context menu – Add Point.

Connect these two splines to one (select two point, right click and choose Join Segment).

Click on the spline and check Close Spline in Object tab. Create Extrude NURBS and insert spline into it. Go to the HyperNURBS and check Fillet Cap in Start and same in End. Set both Step and Radius to 2. Make object editable. Unfold all objects, select them and connect. Now You have to use Edge Tool and select a knife. Make a cut. Select Mirror to make another symmetrical object. Name the object “Back”.

Hide the “Back” and create second spline (cubic spline). Use mirror select to point and make Join Segment. Delete two points that you have selected to make a join.

Create Rectangle and Sweep NURBS. Insert the Rectangle and the Spline into the Sweep NURBS. Set Rectangle Height and Weight to 150. Check rounding and set Radius to 8. Create a HyperNURBS and insert the Sweep NURBS inside. Set appropriate values to objects. And use Rotation Tool like on the image below.

Create next spline to make a seat. Use Mirror to make second part of the Spline.

Joint Segment and close spline as you did before. Create Extrude NURBS, and insert “seat” Spline into it.

Set values:

Name the HyperNURBS “Seat”. Render image.

Now we will make a bar. Create Loft NURBS and 4 Circles. Name the Loft NURBS “Bar1”. Set Circle Plane to XZ. Make 3 more copies of the Circle. Create spline (select Linear), make two dot to have straight line. Use Rotate Tool to make adjustments. Make a copy of the bar and hide it, we will use it later.

Create two more copies of “Bar1” and name it “Bar2” and “Bar3”, scale it. Make all three bars editable. Unfold all bars, select all objects inside and connect them to create one object. Name it “Bars”. Now you can use Mirror.

Now we will create legs of the chair. We will use hare Lathe NURBS. Make a spline. Create Loft NURBS. Insert spline into it. Click on the Lathe NURBS you’ve created. Choose Object Axis Tool and use arrows to model the leg. Name it “Leg”. Set P and B to 8 in “Leg”.
Make a copy to create second leg. Change B from 8 to -8. Create third and fourth leg and change angles accordingly.

It’s time to use the bar that we have hidden earlier and modify it.

This is final image, after adding some textures

Kurs excela wykresy 2010 dla początkujących.